Asean Model Contractual Clauses for Cross Border Data Flows

ASEAN Model Contractual Clauses for Cross Border Data Flows: An Overview

The ASEAN region has become a major player in the global economy, and with this comes the need for cross-border data flows. The importance of protecting personal data in these flows has become a major concern for many ASEAN countries. One key measure to address this concern is the adoption of the ASEAN Model Contractual Clauses for Cross Border Data Flows.

What are ASEAN Model Contractual Clauses for Cross Border Data Flows?

The ASEAN Model Contractual Clauses for Cross Border Data Flows are a set of standard contractual clauses that regulate how personal data can be transferred from ASEAN member countries to other countries or international organizations. They were created by the ASEAN Digital Data Governance Framework in 2018 and aim to ensure that personal data is protected regardless of where it is transferred.

Why were the ASEAN Model Contractual Clauses created?

The ASEAN Model Contractual Clauses were created as a response to the increasing demand for cross-border data flows and concerns about the privacy and security of personal data. The clauses aim to provide a framework for the secure and lawful transfer of personal data across borders, while protecting individual rights and privacy.

What are the key features of ASEAN Model Contractual Clauses for Cross Border Data Flows?

The ASEAN Model Contractual Clauses outline the obligations of both the data exporter and the data importer. Some of the key features of these clauses include:

• The requirement for data processors to comply with data protection laws in both the country of origin and the destination country

• The establishment of a mechanism for individuals to exercise their rights to access, correction, deletion, or blocking of their personal data

• The provision for data breach notification

• The requirement for parties to maintain confidentiality and security of personal data

• The provision for audits and inspection of data processing activities

What are the benefits of adopting ASEAN Model Contractual Clauses for Cross Border Data Flows?

Adopting the ASEAN Model Contractual Clauses for Cross Border Data Flows provides a number of benefits to both data exporters and importers. These benefits include:

• Ensuring compliance with data protection laws

• Mitigating risks associated with data breaches or other security incidents

• Building trust with customers and stakeholders by demonstrating a commitment to data privacy and security

• Providing a framework for negotiations and reducing transaction costs associated with cross-border data transfers


The ASEAN Model Contractual Clauses for Cross Border Data Flows provide a much-needed framework for the secure and lawful transfer of personal data across borders. By adopting these clauses, ASEAN countries can ensure compliance with data protection laws and mitigate risks associated with data breaches or other security incidents. Ultimately, the adoption of these clauses will help build trust with customers and stakeholders and demonstrate a commitment to data privacy and security.

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