Correct Agreement Example

Correct Agreement Examples: How to Ensure Subject-Verb Agreement in Your Writing

Writing is all about communication and conveying a message effectively to your readers. One of the key aspects of effective writing is ensuring correct subject-verb agreement. This might sound simple, but it can be a challenge for writers, whether they are beginners or experienced professionals. In this article, we will take a closer look at what subject-verb agreement is and provide multiple examples of how to get it right.

What is subject-verb agreement?

Subject-verb agreement refers to the grammatical rule that the subject of a sentence and the verb must agree in number. In other words, if the subject of a sentence is singular, the verb must also be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural. When there is a mismatch between the subject and verb, it can create confusion for readers and undermine the credibility of the writer.

Here are some examples of correct subject-verb agreement:

Example 1: The dog chases the cat. (singular subject and verb)

Example 2: The dogs chase the cats. (plural subject and verb)

Example 3: The student studies hard. (singular subject and verb)

Example 4: The students study hard. (plural subject and verb)

As you can see, the verbs “chases” and “studies” are singular, and they match the singular subjects “dog” and “student” in examples 1 and 3, respectively. Likewise, the verbs “chase” and “study” are plural, and they match the plural subjects “dogs” and “students” in examples 2 and 4.

What are some common errors in subject-verb agreement?

Some common errors in subject-verb agreement include:

1. Using a plural verb with a singular subject or vice versa.

Incorrect: The book on the table needs to be organize. (singular subject with plural verb)

Correct: The book on the table needs to be organized.

Incorrect: The group of people was arguing. (plural subject with singular verb)

Correct: The group of people were arguing.

2. Failing to identify the subject of a sentence.

Incorrect: Running in the park, the sound of birds singing filled the air.

Correct: Running in the park, I heard the sound of birds singing.

3. Being misled by words that come between the subject and verb.

Incorrect: The care and attention given to each animal in the zoo is impressive.

Correct: The care and attention given to each animal in the zoo are impressive.

In this example, the words “care and attention” might mislead the writer into thinking that the subject is singular, but actually, it`s plural.

4. Mixing up the subject and object of a sentence.

Incorrect: Her and I are going to the movies.

Correct: She and I are going to the movies.

How to ensure correct subject-verb agreement in your writing?

To ensure correct subject-verb agreement in your writing, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Identify the subject of your sentence before choosing the verb.

2. Be aware of words that can act as distractions between the subject and verb.

3. Pay attention to the number of the subject, whether it`s singular or plural.

4. Use plural verbs with compound subjects joined by “and,” and use a singular verb with a compound subject joined by “or” or “nor.”

5. Practice, practice, practice! The more you write and edit your writing, the more your ear will become attuned to the correct grammar structures.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of good writing. By following the tips above and avoiding common mistakes, you can ensure that your writing is clear, effective, and grammatically correct.

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